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The term “bunion” usually describes a condition where a large bump forms on the side of the big toe joint, and is often accompanied by a tilting of the big toe toward the smaller toes. This condition can cause the area to become red, painful, unsightly, and even prevent you from wearing stylish shoes. Bunions can make standing and walking at work a real misery.

Modern techniques now allow us to correct bunions without the need for hospitalization or lengthy disability. No casts or crutches are necessary. 
My patients are able to walk the same day and get back into their favorite shoes in record time.

If you have been reluctant to consider getting rid of your bunions because of concerns about lengthy disability, call for an appointment so that we can discuss care that can get you back on your feet quickly. Let us help you walk with comfort.


Hammertoes and curled toes often are the cause of corns and irritations that produce pain when wearing shoes. Traditionally hammertoes were corrected by removing a part of the bone and inserting a pin into the toe. The recovery period was often long and painful.

All of this has changed for my patients. I use a minimally invasive surgical technique in my office, which allows for the correction of curled toes and hammertoes without the need to disturb the bone. No pin is needed and no stitches are used. All that is required is a few drops of a local anesthetic and in less than 10 minutes, patients have straight, comfortable toes. My patients are able to put on their own shoes, walk out of my office, and go about their business.

Patients are constantly telling me that if they had known how easily their sore feet could have been helped, they would have done it years ago. Experience has shown that by utilizing this modern procedure, patients are able to enjoy comfortable feet in record time.

Call for an appointment to see if this modern technique can help you. I will be happy to discuss your particular needs.

Heel Pain
Heel Pain

Heel pain, often called heel spur syndrome or plantar fasciitis, is one of the most common problems I see in my practice. It is a painful affliction, often restricting one’s ability to participate in exercise activities. It can be a misery for people who must be on their feet at work. Heel pain is often at it’s worst with the first few steps in the morning or first weight bearing after sitting in a car or in a chair. 

The Internet is, of course, full of home remedies and exercises for treating heel pain. They usually don’t work. Overpriced drugstore and shoe store arch supports don’t help either, even when they are made by fancy digital machines that have lots of lights and dials. It is important to know that heel pain is not a shoe problem, even though shoe salesmen and TV ads are constantly trying to sell expensive “special shoes” to relieve the pain. 

The truth is that heel pain cannot be cured quickly. It can often be compared to a sprain or even back pain, in that resolving it takes time and proper treatment. 

The good news is that in my office we do our best to help get rid of your heel pain as quickly and as effectively as possible using a variety of treatments.

Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown Toenails

Even after so many years of practicing foot care, it still amazes me to find how many people believe that having tender ingrown toenails is acceptable. Toenails should never hurt; not in shoes, not from the pressure of the sheets in bed, not even occasionally. Fingernails don’t hurt and neither should toenails. 

It is commonly believed that tight shoes or improper nail trimming causes ingrown toenails. Not true. An ingrown toenail is caused by a change in the shape of the nail and is frequently an inherited problem. I often hear a patient recall that other family members have suffered from the same problem. 

Some people even believe that it is okay to treat tender toenails at home by “digging them out.” This of course is not an acceptable practice and can actually make the problem worse by further damaging the nail or even creating an infection.

The good news is that tender, ingrown toenails can be easily and permanently cured with little or no discomfort. It takes only about ten minutes. A few drops of local anesthetic is administered, the offending piece of nail is removed, and a small amount of medicine is applied to the area to prevent the problem from coming back. The patient goes home in their own shoes to resume their regular activities.

The most frequent comment that I hear from my patients following this procedure is, “I don’tknow why I didn’t have this done sooner.” 

Toenail Care
Toenail Care

Safe toenail care is not a luxury but a necessity for proper hygiene and foot health. Problem toenails that are thick, hard and discolored can affect anyone. Sometimes they are caused by injury, sometimes by fungus and sometimes they just seem to “run in the family.” Thick toenails can be difficult to care for at home. They may pose a special risk for people with diabetes or poor circulation. As the years pass, many people have difficulty bending easily enough to safely trim their own toenails. Poor vision can make this task even more dangerous.

Often, individuals realize that they shouldn’t risk home nail care but are embarrassed to ask for help. People do not think twice about going to a dental hygienist to get their teeth cleaned, but are reluctant to get the professional care they need to keep their feet healthy. Caregivers who look after elderly parents may actually be aware of the importance of proper toenail care, but don’t know where to go.

We make complete nail care available through our “For Your Feet” nail care service. Patients are cared for by the gentle hands of Dr. Tenney’s assistant Alaycia. Her care consists of a soothing whirlpool treatment, complete nail care, and a wonderful foot massage. All of this care is provided in a medically hygienic facility and in an environment that promotes privacy.

Following their session with Alaycia, patients frequently report that they feel so good, that they “don’t just walk out, they float out.”


Warts are truly mysterious. Nobody really knows where they come from. The books will tell you that:

(A) they are caused by a virus 
(B) they are very common 
(C) they most frequently appear on school aged children

A popular belief is that warts are contagious. Patients tell me that they make themselves crazy trying to disinfect their bathtubs and showers in an effort to prevent the spread of the warts to other family members, yet they walk around barefoot in their houses and yards.

Immunity to the virus is probably the most important factor. Direct contact from gym floors, pools, shoes and workout facilities are probably not the culprits.

So how do you treat them? As mysterious as is the cause of warts, some mystery also surrounds the various treatments for warts. Popular treatments can include everything from folklore to Laser, and many of them are discussed on the Internet. There are many over the counter “wart treatments” sold in the drug store for use at home, including the pricey “freezer kits.” They seldom work.

In my office, I make use of several treatment options which will likely be more effective. They may include various high potency chemical topical medications. Laser treatment is also available. The choice of treatment depends upon the location, size and number of the warts.

I will be happy to discuss the specific options most applicable to your needs and of course, do my best to get rid of those pesky warts as quickly as possible.

©2023 by Dr. William Tenney

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